Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to connect, share, and engage with others. However, it can be disheartening to discover that someone has blocked you on Instagram. In this article, we will guide you through several methods to determine if someone has blocked you on Instagram, helping you unravel the mystery and gain clarity. Let’s dive in and uncover the truth.
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Top Methods To Check Who Is Stalking You On Instagram

Method 1: Search for the User’s Profile:
- Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and log in to your account.
- Search for the username of the person you suspect may have blocked you.
- If you can’t find their profile in the search results or their profile appears with limited information, it could indicate that they have blocked you.
- Keep in mind that if their account is set to private and you are not following them, it may appear as if they have blocked you, when in fact they have simply restricted access to their content.
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Method 2: Look for Previous Interactions:
- Check your direct messages (DMs) to see if you have any previous conversations with the person in question.
- If their name or profile picture appears as a generic placeholder, it might suggest that they have blocked you.
- However, if you can still see the conversation but not their profile, it could indicate that they have deactivated their account or changed their username.
Method 3: Explore Mutual Connections:
- Check if you have any mutual connections or friends with the person you suspect has blocked you.
- Visit the profile of one of your mutual connections who follows the user in question.
- If you can view their profile through your mutual connection’s following list, but not through your own search, it may suggest that they have blocked you.
Method 4: Use a Different Account or Device:
- Log out of your Instagram account or use a different device.
- Search for the username of the person you suspect has blocked you.
- If their profile appears normally on the alternate account or device, it indicates that they have likely blocked your original account.
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Method 5: Observe Story Views:
- If the person you suspect has blocked you regularly posts Instagram Stories, create a new temporary account or ask a friend to help you.
- Ask your friend or temporary account to view the person’s story.
- If the story views increase, but you are unable to view the story on your original account, it could imply that they have blocked you.
Last Wording
Determining if someone has blocked you on Instagram can be challenging, but by using a combination of methods, you can gain insights and unravel the truth. Remember that blocking is a personal choice, and it is essential to respect others’ decisions and boundaries on social media platforms. If you suspect that someone has blocked you, try not to take it personally and focus on maintaining positive connections with those who appreciate and engage with your content.